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Classes and Retreats at Odiyana

Meditation and Teaching

Wednesday 7.30 pm 

Our group sits every Wednesday for regular practice, teachings,  and guidance with Lama David Christensen. Please enquire for details.

Tibetan Yoga and Meditation 

Sunday 10.00 am (At Odiyana)

Thursday 7.00 pm (At Tree of Life Integral Centre, Kew)

Tibetan Yoga is a powerful way to release the blocked energies or psychic knots from our body and mind. This class is subject to interest and numbers. Please enquire for details.

Lama David Christensen is an experienced healer who combines Eastern and Western healing traditions into his unique style. In addition to being a trained Tibetan Lama, he has studied with teachers, healers and Tibetan doctors in Nepal and India and healers in England, France and America.

Healing with Lama David Christensen

David's style combines Eastern and Western forms of massage with techniques that he learned from Dr Arthur Pauls, the founder of Orthobionomy. 

He also uses Reiki, aura balancing, visualisation, breath-work and mantra depending on the needs of his clients. 

In the early nineties, David worked as the personal healer for the International film director Bernardo Bertolucci while filming the movie 'Little Buddha'.


David has many years of experience in healing, a deep meditative composure, and a strong, compassionate way enhanced through many years of Buddhist training. His ultimate aim is to help his clients connect to their deepest spirituality.

Please enquire for more details

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